

Tomar descansos no te hace flojo: aquí hay 4 maneras en las que en realidad te vuelven más productivo

Una vez que encuentres el equilibrio entre el trabajo y tu vida personal, verás cómo se integran de manera natural y lograrás una rutina balanceada. Así es como puedes llegar al equilibrio óptimo para ti.


Taking Breaks Doesn't Make You Lazy — Here Are 4 Ways It Actually Makes You More Productive

The more you find a balance between work and real life, the more the two will start to organically intertwine until you find your scheduling sweet spot. Here's how to find that right balance for you.


Is Selling Your Business the Only Way Out of Burnout? Here Are Five Alternatives to Consider Instead.

When you're burning out as an entrepreneur or business owner, it can feel like selling your business to an outside buyer is your only escape — but I'm here to tell you there are other options. Here are a few to consider if you're unsure about handing over the reins.


Amazon, Apple Employees Share a Surging Workplace Complaint That Can Overshadow Even the Biggest Salaries

A new analysis gives insight into the employee experience at some of the largest companies in the U.S.

Health & Wellness

How to Escape Entrepreneurial Burnout When You Can't Just Quit

What do you do when you're experiencing burnout as an entrepreneur and you feel like your entire career is on life support as you barely make it through each day? Try these solutions for entrepreneurs who can't just quit their jobs when they've had enough.


Quiero tirar la toalla y cerrar mi negocio. Cómo saber si debo seguir adelante o dejarlo ir

El emprendimiento nos exige mucho. Priorizar nuestro autocuidado y buscar apoyo nos ayudará a tomar las mejores decisiones durante los momentos difíciles.

Growing a Business

I Want to Throw in the Towel and Quit My Business — Here's How to Know When to Stick With or Let Go of Your Business

Entrepreneurship demands a lot of us. Prioritizing our self-care and seeking support will help us make the best decisions during tough times.


Feeling Overwhelmed at Work? Follow These Tips to Prevent It From Turning Into Burnout.

When you're passionate about your work, it can be easy to become overwhelmed. Take these tips to avoid feeling overwhelmed and burnout.


Los empleados están agotándose — y la culpa no la tiene lo que piensas

Hay un tipo de estrés que tiene un gran impacto en la salud de los empleados, en su rendimiento laboral y en sus vidas personales. Aquí te explicamos qué es y qué puedes hacer para combatirlo, tanto para ti como para tus empleados.


Employees Are Burning Out — and the Culprit Isn't What You Think

There's a type of stress that has a huge impact on employees' health, work performance and personal lives. Here's what it is and what you can do to combat it, both for yourself and your employees.

Health & Wellness

Your Business Will Always Require Most of Your Attention — But You Need to Make Time for Yourself, Too. Here's How.

Armed with these ideas and tactics, you can return to your work refreshed and motivated to tackle even the most complex problems.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

How to Battle Burnout While Protecting Your Most Valuable Asset — Your People

Combatting cybersecurity burnout is crucial in safeguarding our digital frontlines. With 66% of professionals experiencing extreme stress, leaders must address these inherent issues.


Practice the Powerful 'Morning 3' for a Focused and Satisfying Day, Says Google's Executive Productivity Advisor

Laura Mae Martin, author of the forthcoming book 'Uptime: A Practical Guide to Personal Productivity and Wellbeing,' shares her strategies for success.

Business Culture

How Asynchronous Work Can Help Battle and Eliminate Burnout

Burnout is everywhere, and having witnessed the potentially life-threatening health detriments that it can have, I believe we need to do all we can to reduce it.


12 factores que alimentan el agotamiento mental en el lugar de trabajo

Si te sientes agotado en el trabajo, considera cómo estos doce factores determinan tu tiempo de recuperación.